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Getting Started for Higher Education

How to get started in Systems Thinking/DSRP in education in Higher Ed for Professors, Lecturers, Systems Thinking, Systems Engineering Courses, etc.

If you are faculty at a college or university teaching

  • any subject on which you want to take a systems thinking lens; OR
  • systems science, systems engineering, systems thinking, systems leadership, etc.

here are a few steps to follow to get started:

  1. First do the steps for all Systems thinkers to better understand Systems Thinking (DSRP)
  2. If you think it is right for you, feel free to contact us for more information about
    1. how it is taught at the undergraduate or graduate level
    2. use of STMS or FNC as textbooks for your course
    1. class resources
      1. syllabi
      2. slide deck resources 
      3. classroom activities and methods
      4. other classroom resources (images, videos, posters, etc)
      1. connecting with others who are teaching it
      2. connecting with students who learned it as a student