How do you upload a profile picture to Slack?

A step-by-step guide to adding a profile picture to Slack.


We often use Slack for our trainings and courses and one of our hard and fast rules is that you have to upload a profile photo of your face. Especially online, being able to see your face (i.e., having a profile picture) goes a long way to increasing community chatter and makes communicating online easier as you can associate who is talking with a recognizable face. 


Step One: Navigate to the Profile icon in the top right of your window and click on it. 

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Step Two: Click on the option that reads "edit profile." 

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Step Three: Click the button that reads "Upload Image" and choose the image you want as your profile picture from your computer. 

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Step Four: Make sure to hit "Save Image" after making sure the profile picture looks the way you want it to. 

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Step Five: Finally, hit "Save Changes." This will save your profile picture and any other changes you have made to your profile. 

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Congrats! Now you have a brand new profile picture in Slack. 

What makes a good profile picture?

Here are a few examples of good and not so good profile pictures... 

Good: A clear shot of your face.


Remember, your profile photo is going to be relatively tiny like this:

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Look at how tiny my face is because it's a picture of me and my big-faced dog bear! You can barely see my face...

Not-so-good: An image from very far away (even if you are doing something cool like jet-skiing). And, even if your face is visible but far away. 

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