How to use the JoST LaTeX Template

Using the JoST LaTeX Template to format your paper in JoST style

We recommend you use PaperPile for citation management and Overleaf for LaTeX. All instructions below are written in this context. If you are using some other platform (there are many many good ones), keep this in mind.


The Code that Formats the General Paper

First, download the template here. Next, open the document jost-template-main.tex. In the Source window, scroll down to \title enter the title and subtitle (shown in bold below). be sure not to change any of the other code.

Title \\
\end{large} }

Now add author names, affiliations, and the lead author name (items in bold below). Delete or add rows for author and affiliation as necessary.

% Use letters for affiliations, numbers to show equal authorship (if applicable) and to indicate the corresponding author


% Please give the surname of the lead author for the running footer

Now add your Abstract, Public Understanding Statement and Keywords replacing the text shown in bold below.

% You must include an abstract less than 300 words and a Statement of Significance and Public Understanding (<150 words)
\textbf{Abstract: }Write your abstract first and then write it again last. Your abstract should grab your reader's attention and also tell them what the paper is about in plain English. Avoid using jargon, undefined terms, or acronyms in your abstract; if you must, define them. Write your abstract before your paper in order to structure your thinking and then rewrite it when you are finished with your paper to make sure it is tight, clean, and accurately portrays what the paper is about. Include only what is absolutely necessary. Tell the reader what you set out to do, what you did, and the results and conclusions. Keep it brief. This abstract is 121 words long, but yours should not exceed 200 words.

% Please add a significance statement to explain the relevance of your work
\significancestatement{\textbf{Significance and Public Understanding: }All JoST submissions \textit{require} a Significance and Public Understanding statement. This statement should be relatively short (do not exceed 75 words). This statement is 74 words. Your statement should be written in plain English. It should spell out the significance of the research or paper. The Public supports science with their tax dollars, their vote, and their opinion of science. They have a right to know why your work is relevant, useful, significant, etc.}

% At least three keywords are required at submission. Please provide three to five keywords, separated by the pipe symbol.
\keywords{\textbf{Keywords:} xxxxx $|$ xxxxx $|$ xxxxx $|$ xxxx $|$ xxxx $|$ xxxx}

Next, scroll down and fill in the \authordeclaration(optional), \authorcontributions (optional), and \correspondingauthor in the areas in bold below. Delete any authors not needed. Use Lastname, FirstInitial format. Where the XX is put the month numerically like this (June = 06). 

\authordeclaration{Citation information: LastName, FirstInitial., LastName, FirstInitial., LastName, FirstInitial. (2021). Title: Subtitle. \textit{Journal of Systems Thinking} (21) MONTH.}

\correspondingauthor{\textsuperscript{2}Address correspondence to E-mail: FirstName LastName \ Email}

Now go to the file called jostinvited.sty. Click on the source area and Search for 'MONTH'. Change the word MONTH (in one place) to numerical month like this (June = 06). 

Now go to the file called jostnew.sty and do the same thing: Click on the source area and Search for 'MONTH'. Change the word MONTH (in two places) to numerical month like this (June = 06). 

The Code that Lays Out Your Document 

You are now done with the basic formatting of the paper. Go to the area of text (shown below). This is the start of your document.

%%%%%% START DOCUMENT %%%%%%%

Now you can add your document text and images. To do so you will need to have some ability with LaTeX and/or be able to search for answers (or at least not be afraid). We cannot help you learn LaTeX nor answer questions about LaTeX formatting. There are ample online resources. We have provided a template of the most used features like: images, citations, numerated lists, tables, equations, inline math, etc. Please follow this format. A few notes of interest and tips:

  1. put all your high resolution and permitted images in the images folder and call images/name.png in the source to include images in the text.
  2. Use jost-sample.bib for the bibliography. The easiest way to do your bibliography is to use a program like Paperpile and download (cut/paste) all records or one at a time as BIBTEX into this document. We have provided two examples to show you. Each entry is between a set of curly brackets {}. By adding this bibliography at the beginning, you can call citation in text by name and it will autofill. For example, when typing  \cite{Cabrera2015-stms} at the point where you want a citation, suggested text will appear as soon as you get to the 'C' in 'Cabrera.' This makes citation easy. The rest of the formatting is done for you (but only if you have your citation properly entered in the fields in Paperpile.
  3. DO NOT TOUCH anything else. Especially DO NOT TOUCH anything else that you don't know what it does. 
  4. In the Recompile window, set it to auto complete ON (unless your file has HUGE images in it). This will let you see if an error has been caused that makes compiling impossible. It is much easier to undo once or twice from an error than to track it down from 20-100 actions back in time. Once the document won't compile, you will need to find the error to get it to again. An error could be a single period out of place.