Where can I find Systems Thinking Daily on social media?

We need Systems Thinking on a daily basis to hone our skills

We have learned that becoming a systems thinker is something you take in little bites daily. Don’t try to swallow the elephant whole. That is why we created Systems Thinking Daily

So go join that group on your preferred platform:

What is Systems thinking Daily?

Systems Thinking Daily is a multi-platform (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) “pledge resource daily”— a place that provides at least one daily resource to help people keep their pledge to incorporate Systems Thinking as part of their daily practice.
Our research has shown that those who succeed in becoming effective Systems Thinkers are those who incorporate it into their daily practice in small ways—they succeed in inches not miles.
Each day we post something small or large, profound or pedestrian, funny or serious, that will get you practicing Systems Thinking.
Thus, ST Daily is DIFFERENT from other systems thinking lists or groups on social media. This is reflected in the types of posts we allow. There is ONE RULE for posts. EVERYONE is welcome to lurk and/or to post as long as this one rule is followed:
RULE #1: Posts must always make the systems thinking explicit (i.e., explaining the DSRP).
There is much confusion in the ST world as to what ST is. We decrease confusion by making the universals of ST (DSRP) explicit. This makes ST TANGIBLE and helps people DO systems thinking in small ways everyday. Learn more about DSRP in this video: https://youtu.be/-sfiReUu3o0 . If you want to post, this rule isn't hard and you don't need to be an expert in DSRP. For example, you might include a note that says, “note the distinctions (D) being made here" in an image, article, cartoon, or blog. Alternatively, you may pose any legitimate question to the group...
In this way, we try to cut through the "noise" of ST and get to the daily practice.
See our social rules for managing the group below. If that all sounds interesting, this is the place. Many thanks for your engagement!
  1. Anyone can post anything if the DSRP is explicit: ALL are welcome. But, STDaily differs from other ST lists. Post whatever you want, but you must explicate some facet of *DSRP* so members can learn what ST is and how to apply it.
  2. Self-police using the simple rules: The more we self police, the less we need authorities ;-). Instead of, "Advocating that evolution is false elucidates your ignorance," simply write: "Rule6.” Less confrontational & less distracting.
  3. Debate ethically: Debate ethically (i.e., Don't break Rules 4-10). If boxers can hug it out after punching each other in the face, surely we can walk away better friends after a spirited debate.
  4. Make a point or Ask a Question: Be sparse. Be focused. Avoid rambling. Less is more. If you post, make an explicit point or ask a question about ST that invites discussion and thought.
  5. Stay on the point: If someone posts with a point, stick to it. Let them lead that discussion to resolution. Don't hijack threads with your own point. If you want to make your own point, see Rule #4.
  6. Stay grounded in reality: We all have our versions of reality. That's okay. But, challenge yourself to provide sources or to justify your position. This list is grounded in science and research and facts still matter.
  7. Don't make assumptions. Ask questions: One of the best ways to cause a discussion to go astray is to make assumptions without asking questions first. Seek first to understand.Ask questions about their meaning or position BEFORE you assume.
  8. Don't call names. No ad hominem attacks: If you're attacking their character, motive, or other attributes, it likely means your argument is weak. No Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person").
  9. Avoid straw man arguments: Reducing a reasonable argument into a "straw man" that you can easily slay or dismiss doesn't make your argument stronger. Don't resort to straw men: "so, what you're really saying is..."
  10. Check your ego: This group has not assembled for the expressed purpose of serving your ego or making you feel better about your intelligence. Don't use the group to prove how smart you are. If necessary, get a dog.