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Map, Activate Check (MAC)


MAC is an acronym for Map, Activate, Check. Three functions of educational learning.


MAC, or Map, Activate Check is a great example of how DSRP can be used in educational setting to create new models based on research in cognition and education and learning. MAC is a universal educational, pedagogical, and androgogical model that identifies the three functions of learning. It is an educationally-interdiscplinary model in that it brings together all of the coherent pedagogical approaches into a common framework called the Activation Continuum. DSRP is itself the activator for lessons, concepts, and activities. To dive deeper into MAC as a model, check out the resources below. 

1: Two posters that give you a quick overview of the three steps and how to activate a concept.

Want this poster? Click here!
Want this poster? Click here!


2. Read this short article on the stepwise process of MAC.

3. Check out this paper on MAC

4. What is meant by building and grounding? Find out here!

5. Check out this quick example of MAC being used to teach students geological structures. 

6. Read these two in-depth lesson examples from the ThinkWater Project which walk you through how to design whole lessons. 

7. Watch our Wetland In A Pan demo for a nice example of an activation.

8. View this video of classroom examples of MAC with real teachers!