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noun slider /ˈslīdər/ n.

1 a small hamburger or other hot sandwich made with a soft bun.

2 [cognitive slider] A cognitive slider is a small mental model, the use of which is expressly in the domain of personal development or psychological-sociological effectiveness. Sliders are often used to develop personal mastery in a DIY therapy approach.

ORIGIN: The term slider is of unknown origin; the term cognitive slider was coined by Derek Cabrera to communicate “a relatively small, nourishing or ‘meaty’ mental model” for use in increasing one’s prosocial or emotional intelligence. Like jigs, sliders are applicable to a wide array of situations or circumstances, but somewhat different than jigs, sliders tend to assume far more content (less content-agnosticism). They are more specific in their application to the social, psychological realms and particularly useful for what Cabrera calls “DIY therapy”—a modern form of do-it-yourself personal development or psychotherapy loosely based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and situated in: the growing distrust of the objectivity and commercialization of the psychological profession, the growing need for heightened prosocial and emotional intelligence, and the modern DIY movements. Like jigs, Cabrera gives various built sliders common, basic, and memorable names such as “Thinkings & Feelings,” “Analog yourself,” “Good new bad news who knows,” “Dysfunction Magnet,” and “the modified Golden Rule.”

Read our collection of sliders here