Glossary of Abbreviations

Dr. Cabrera uses a simple naming convention for most things: (1) call it what it is and then (2) make an acronym. So, there are plenty of abbreviations ... ;-), He also uses a number of variables in his work.


Abbreviation Meaning
DSRP Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, Perspectives (the four universal patterns of cognition and things)
D Distinction
S System
R Relationship
P Perspective
Dio Distinction-identity-other
Spw System-part-whole
Rar Relationship-action-reaction
Ppv Perspective-point-view
i identity
o other
p part
w whole
a action
r reaction
ρ point
v view

Vision, Mission, Capacity, Learning (the four universal functions of organizations)

V Vision
M Mission
C Capacity
L Learning
MAC Map, Activate, Check
ABA Agent Based Approach
AC Activation Continuum
RDS Relationship-Distinction-System
RD Relationship-Distinction
CAS Complex Adaptive System
ABM Agent Base Modeling
CAO Complex Adaptive Organization
ST Systems Thinking
SM Systems Mapping
SS Systems Science
SL Systems Leadership
MFS Midgley, Francois, Schwartz [Universe]
𝕄 mental model
𝕀 Information